Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hairy German Savage Pussy: Helen Schwenken, Promotionskolleg Global Social Policies and Governance, University of Kassel

This is the story of a hairy German pussy by the name of Helen Schwenken. She works at nameless so-called academic institutions run by the Nazis in Germany, and her academic interests include women, immigration, emotional labor, human rights, and all that crap. She’s heading the sexual harassment department at University of Kassel’s Nazi Hun-run programs, including MA Global Political Economy (GPE).

The only problem is that when she’s informed that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep’s trying to rape women there, she treats it as a joke.

Which means this is an entirely fake scholar. This is a useless bathroom sweeper of a Nazi bitch pretending to be a scholar.

Another dullard from University of Kassel said that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep writes on things that cannot possibly connect with the revelation that he tries to rape students at the university.
Well, that’s because Nazis make fake scholars. They have fake degrees that they bought with either money or their smelly Nazi genitalia.

From another website:

All students and the entire staff at the University of Kassel’s (Germany) dullard programs run by Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep are involved in Nazi rape attempts at this 3rd class so-called university. But if we had to name people who might have played the most important role trying to help ugly Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep get away with Nazi rape attempts — let’s just name one of them, a student-teacher of International Economics by the name of Thomas Dürmeier. He’s an ugly Nazi creep whose arse Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep regularly takes.

Some of the women Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape were trying to ask him to stop his miserable behavior. Each time they visited his office in fear he’d try to rape them again, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep either tried to rape them or called dullard Thomas Dürmeier to back up his crimes.

Of course, Nazis don’t have minds of their own. Ugly Thomas Dürmeier was just another piece of shit pretending to be a teacher.

Other idiots among teachers that were informed and behaved totally stupidly included Dan Hawkins, student teacher; and Dr. Helen Schwenken (probably some fat schwein of a German woman with large boobs and no milk).

But, again, EVERYBODY was informed. And they all proved to be Nazis.